Gonna do a rewrite to take some thing in account.

DCRPG will be rewritten to take in some improvements and simplifications I've come up with.  I feel like I got tangled up in complexity and I want to simplify things and rewrite them according to some improved mechanics I thought up.  Sorry for the delays.

What's changing:

  1. Switching over to d6 dice as I would like the game to be more accessible to people with less money.
  2. Much simpler monster and monster sheets (so it doesn't take me ages and ages to finish the monsters)
  3. I'm replacing the spells and anima arts/techniques with more general lists, meaning you won't be so bound to getting certain things.
  4. As much as I like the surge and mishap system it felt like it slowed the game down as players had to look up a list of options every time.

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